I was tasked with designing a convincing travel poster for a fictional location. The idea was to take a place that exists in a fictional space and create a poster that interests a viewer to visit.
My fictional location is R.L. Stine’s Horrorland from his Goosebumps series. I love dark aesthetics and choosing Horrorland would allow me to incorporate more of myself into this piece. I made sketches of different layouts for my poster, then after picking a composition I tried multiple variations of text and illustration style.
For reference and inspiration I researched different book covers and branding styles of Horrorland Stine used. I also wanted my text to be reminiscent of the Goosebumps signature font. I wanted a catchy, ominous phrase along with the name of the amusement park to entice people in. I thought “come if you dare” would appeal to the imagined target audience of thrill seekers.